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The Groundwork Blog

5 Things I Learned about Marketing from Making a Documentary

By Sarah | August 6, 2015

Marketing is evil, right? Not if you are telling important stories and doing meaningful work. Here are 5 important lessons for marketing (and life in general) learned from making a documentary film.

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How To: Survive an iPhone Apocalypse

By Sarah | July 27, 2015

Hi my name is Sarah, and I have an iPhone problem. I work in digital marketing. I manage multiple social media accounts. I tweet regularly. I cannot enjoy beauty without instagramming it. I blog. I need my phone. And I am seriously worried and disturbed about the effects of my phone usage on my brain. What is happening to my ability to focus? To be in the moment? Can I use technology rationally?

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Summer in New Bedford: A few favorite things

By Sarah | July 9, 2015
Buzz at Slainte

Summer in New Bedford is pretty great. Here, Groundwork! co-founder Sarah shares some of her favorite spots, including: yoga and movies in Buttonwood Park, bike commuting, cold brew coffee, and more.

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Member Spotlight: Jerrie Lyndon

By Sarah | June 24, 2015

“The truth is that creativity has already actively invaded the public space and demands participation and interaction. It is now increasingly used as therapy, education, relaxation, and community building tool. This direction is going to take us into wonderful places, but we need to leave the old assumptions behind.”

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Meet the Workbar Network: A Roundup of our Partner Spaces

By Sarah | June 18, 2015

  As many of you know, Groundwork! is a member of the Workbar Network. So what does that mean for you? First of all, you get access to SEVEN coworking…

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SoCo Stars: Cliff Robbins at MSBDC

By Sarah | June 15, 2015

Cliff Robbins, senior business advisor at the MSBDC, gave us an invaluable tool for starting Groundwork!: the almighty pro forma cash flow . Meet Cliff, and learn how his no-nonsense business advice can help you get your dream project off the ground.

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ATMEL Tech on Tour comes to New Bedford

By Sarah | June 12, 2015

New Bedford is surely on its way to becoming a hot spot for tech on the SouthCoast. Don’t believe me? Check out the roster of events planned for next week: The ATMEL “Tech on Tour” bus will offer a day-long IoT training on Monday, followed by the SoCo Tech Expo on Tuesday. Get the details here!

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Member Spotlight: The Pidalia Team

By Sarah | June 10, 2015

We love hosting the team at Pidalia because they exude enthusiasm and productivity. In this interview, they share some tips and tools for success working in remote teams.

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Smashing Coworking Stereotypes with Indy Hall and Workbar

By Sarah | May 27, 2015
Indy Hall at Workbar

The Groundwork! team took a field trip to Cambridge to attend a workshop led by members of the Indy Hall team. It was also an occasion to celebrate with new friends at Workbar as we prepare to launch the Workbar Network in June.

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TEDxNewBedford Returns for 2015

By Sarah | May 20, 2015

Groundwork! has joined the organizing team of TEDxNewBedford 2015. The theme for this year’s conference is UNBOUND: What happens when we explore beyond our limiting beliefs? The event is slated for early November and we are working to define a venue and date in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, join us for a live stream of TEDWomen at Cork Wine and Tapas!

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