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Groundwork! Hosts Entrepreneurship for All


David Parker, Exec. Director of EforAll, speaks to a full house at Groundwork!


About 20 Groundworkers gathered for pizza and a talk by David Parker, Exec. Director of Entrepreneurship for All at our BETA space last night.

Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll), a successful non-profit based in Lawrence and Lowell, has set its sights on expanding operations to the South Coast. EforAll’s mission is to accelerate economic and social impact in mid-sized cities. To this end, EforAll hosts regular pitch contests open to anyone with an idea, and an accelerator program for serious entrepreneurs who need structure and support to get their business off the ground. To date, the EforAll accelerator program has helped launch over 77 small businesses.

David’s current mission is to listen to and connect with successful business owners, entrepreneurs, folks with an idea, and anyone who wants to get involved in the South Coast area. After an informal talk in which David detailed the EforAll programs, the Groundworkers in attendance asked questions and shared their own ideas and interests. By the end of the night, folks were talking to each other, sharing ideas, and making connections.

Dena and I were thrilled to host EforAll at Groundwork! We are looking forward to watching the program grow in New Bedford and Fall River, with the hope that we will see some EforAll grads set up shop at Groundwork! in the future. EforAll plans to host its first South Coast pitch contest in the spring or early summer. Who’s ready to pitch?

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  1. doug on February 12, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    Exciting and inspiring event. This type of program is a great fit for New Bedford.

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