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Why Gratitude Looks Good on You

Gratitude is hip.

Skim any self-care blog and you are encouraged to keep gratitude journals, do gratitude meditations, and express gratitude often. We’re told that people who have a sense of gratitude tend to be happier.

In his classic TED Talk, The happy secret to better work, Shawn Achor explains how a regular gratitude practice can rewire the brain.

I recently put these ideas to the test here at Groundwork. I had a cute idea for a holiday marketing campaign: I asked members to write what they are thankful for and be photographed.

And guess what I noticed?

When they write down what they are thankful for, people’s faces light up.

They smile a HUGE smile. Their entire energy shifts from that one simple exercise. In fact, as I made my way around the room, I noticed the energy in the room start to shift.

My verdict?

This gratitude business is for real. And I have proof in photos!

Check them out, and then create your own ritual for bringing gratitude into your daily life. It’s the best beauty secret going around these days…

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