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Empower Your Entrepreneurial Journey: Embracing Self-Trust for Better Decisions

A photo of a woman in a green shirt smiling, leaning over a computer and talking on the phone.

As an entrepreneur, trusting yourself is crucial. Without self-trust, it’s hard to grow your business and make important decisions every day. While It’s normal to doubt yourself, especially when trying new things or stepping out of your comfort zone, self-trust is a key part of success as an entrepreneur. Learning to trust your instincts and feel confident in your decision-making is essential. Doing so will help you find a flow in the growth of your business and limit the tendency to overthink every decision.

Embrace your unique business journey

Every entrepreneur’s journey is unique. There’s no single path to success. Understanding this helps you deal with the ups and downs more easily. Instead of looking for a clear-cut path, embrace the choices and possibilities that come with being an entrepreneur. Trust your intuition and see your business as a learning process.

Just like in marketing, where personalization is important, you should personalize your business approach. According to research from Cloud IQ, nearly 70% of consumers want personalized experiences. Your business journey is unique, and so are your client relationships. To connect with your audience, offer personalized experiences and form real connections.

By creating valuable personal experiences, you can build a loyal customer base and maintain their trust. Without self-trust, you might not have the confidence to take action and make decisions, which can limit your business growth.

A photo of balancing rocks. The top rock says "trust"

Ways to Build Self-Trust

  1. Learn about your industry: Knowledge is power. Learn about common practices and trends in your industry to make confident decisions.
  2. Trust your gut: Overthinking can hold you back. Trust your gut feelings, take action, and listen to your inner voice. If it’s not a “hell yes,” it’s a no.
  3. Celebrate wins: “Whether you celebrate each new customer or a successful product launch, each one of those milestones will help give you confidence and motivate you along the way during your journey as an entrepreneur,” says Karuza. “Keep your eye on the prize, but also keep your eyes on the next step in front of you.”
  4. Give yourself time to feel: Don’t ignore difficult emotions by distracting yourself. Take time to process your feelings through meditation, journaling, or mindfulness. This keeps you calm and clear-headed for decision-making.
  5. Understand your inner critic: Recognize that your inner critic is trying to protect you. Thank it for its concern, but don’t follow its advice. This helps you be kinder to yourself.
  6. Choose support wisely: Seek advice from people you trust. Coaches and mentors can help you listen to yourself and find solutions that work for you.
  7. Notice when you don’t trust yourself: Think about past decisions where you ignored your gut feeling and how that felt. Recognizing these feelings helps you address self-doubt in the future.
  8. Drop habits that hurt self-trust: Identify habits that might be crutches, like relying too much on notes. Building confidence in your knowledge reduces the need for these aids.
  9. Embrace failure: “Consider it a stepping stone to reaching your ultimate goal and a learning opportunity to grow,” Wells advises. “That’s what saves you from self-doubt along the way and helps you build confidence in the long run.”
  10. Know when you’re not the right fit: Trusting yourself means knowing when you’re not the right person for the job. It’s important to know your limits and ask for help when needed.
  11. Learn to delegate: This is a vital part for the growth of an entrepreneur. It’s easy to get swept into wearing all the hats, but it takes away from your zone of genius. Delegate tasks to other experts, this way you can focus on what you do best and let others handle the rest.

One of the best ways to build confidence is to get involved in entrepreneur groups or communities. There are many online and offline groups you can join, which provide support, resources and connections to help you in your journey. You can also attend events and conferences to gain exposure to new ideas and people.


Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of self-trust. By taking charge of your business, you build confidence in your instincts and decisions. Trusting yourself is a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery.

If you’re looking for a community to support your entrepreneurial growth, consider booking a tour at Groundwork or dropping in with a day pass to check out Bizlab and our vibrant community of business owners.