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How we use Slack to foster community

Slack is an instant messaging app used across many professions. It is a useful tool in fostering community. There are options to have different channels with different topic titles, and for individual, private messaging. Different professions and businesses use Slack in different ways. The last two restaurants I worked in used Slack to post employee schedules, nightly menu changes and specials, and for general staff communication. Most coworking spaces utilize Slack as a way for their community to interact. At Groundwork we use Slack for community social interaction and for specific groups, as well as random things, like horoscopes and dad jokes. Using Slack is not a requirement as a member, but it’s definitely a bonus!

General channel

The most used channel on our Slack is our “general” channel. This is where we introduce new members to the community, announce things like birthdays or anniversaries within the community, and ask general questions, like what everyone is working on during the week. And occasionally we might take a poll of what community members want to see in the space in terms of workshop ideas, or favorite cake flavor!

Random channel

Our next most popular channel on Slack is our “random” channel, which as the title implies, has a variety of seemingly random topics or posts, such as weekly horoscope blogs and dad jokes. This is my personal favorite channel! Who doesn’t love some inspirational astrology and good old laugh-out-loud dad jokes? This is the channel to post in if you know you have something you want to share with the group but aren’t sure where to post it. If it doesn’t seem to fit in any other channel, chances are it will fit perfectly into the “random” category!

Group channels

We have specific channels for groups we hold at Groundwork, like Marketing Lab and Book Club. In these channels you can communicate with other group members, further discuss topics brought up in the group, or share relevant information. If you forget the zoom link to Marketing Lab, it’s pinned to the Marketing Lab channel. If you aren’t sure what this month’s book choice is for book club, it will be posted in the book club Slack channel.

Wins, Events, and more

There are many ways to use Slack to cultivate community. Some of our other popular channels are our “wins” channel where we can share our personal or professional wins. We also have an Events channel, where all of our upcoming public and member events are posted. There’s a variety of other, less used channels, and we can create new ones any time. If you haven’t tried Slack, I encourage you to ask if your business has a Slack channel and explore ways to get to know the community that way. If you would like to be a part of our Slack community, our social club membership allows you to do that, as well as attend events and workshops here at Groundwork. Here’s to finding new ways to cultivate and celebrate community!

A community member shares a personal and professional win; a video promoting her new online arts magazine.