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Don’t need a desk? Try our social club

Meet good people at Groundwork.

Did you know we offer a social club here at Groundwork? It’s a membership for folks who don’t need a place to work but want to belong to our community. Here’s a look at the benefits:

Community Events

As a social club member, you get invited to all of our community events. These events include member picnics, professional development workshops, breakfast buffets, bookclub, weekly Marketing Lab, and more. Not to mention our annual holiday bash, which is one big “office party” without your boss. But it’s not about the events themselves. It’s about what you get out of them.

  • An excuse to get dressed and leave the house
  • Delicious and fun food that you don’t have to prepare (or buy)
  • New ideas to apply to your own life or business
  • Friends with common interests
  • Friends from a different generation/ social background / industry that you might not otherwise meet

Just ask veteran social club member Steve Markowski. Although retired, Steve is not one to sit on his laurels, and he’s been attending events here at Groundwork since we opened in 2014:

I get to listen to and learn from a bunch of smart ambitious folks  – people I would not have met otherwise.. Plus, Groundwork is “Communications Central” for what’s going on in the city. It’s inspiring to see in action a bunch of smart young people who are committed to making the world a better place (and maybe a buck or two).

-Uncle Steve

Online Networking

To be clear, our in-person community events are the heart and soul of the social club membership. It’s hard to forge bonds 100% online. That said, our online platforms are a great way to keep and nurture your connections when you can’t attend in person. Social Club members get access to the Groundwork Slack channel, which is a private chat for Groundwork members. Our Slack is divided into a bunch of great channels, which are basically chat rooms for specific topics. You can connect with members in group-specific channels such as #marketinglab and #bookclub, or topic-specific channels like #recipes, and #referrals.

In addition to Slack, we have an online member directory which is a great place to post your skills and interests, and search for like-minded members.

Here’s a slice of the action in our #wins channel on Slack.

Member Discounts

Everybody loves a discount, amirite? Social Club members get 20% off day passes and meeting room rentals at Groundwork, so when you need to drop in to work, we’ve got your back.

The Social Club is waiting for you…

So, are you ready to meet the friends you never knew you needed? I suggest booking a tour at either of our locations to get a feel for the community and ask some questions. If you’re ready to jump right in, you can do that here. I’ll save you a bagel at our next breakfast. 😉

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