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Groundwork is here to unlock your creativity

Do you dream of workdays that encompass productivity while unlocking creativity? If so, you might want to check out your local coworking space.

Coworking spaces are on the rise and transforming traditional work environments. They cultivate innovation by acting as a community platform that promotes members to evolve, expand, and collaborate. These shared spaces are ideal for freelancers, small business owners, entrepreneurs, remote workers, and startup ups. Beyond the practical advantages of flexibility, cost-efficiency, and work-life balance, coworking is proving to enhance creativity among its members.

In this blog, we will explore the dynamic relationship between coworking and creativity while exemplifying how Groundwork is the hub of it all.

Two coworkers gathering in the Groundwork New Bedford Gallery

Collaboration and Synergy Within Community

Coworking spaces organically welcome the opportunity to be a part of a diverse community. When members from different backgrounds and disciplines unite, a wide range of perspectives, expertise, and skills arrive at the table. This collaborative approach transforms the way we think and work. Have you ever had an idea emerge while you were in conversation with another person? It’s due to the exchange of knowledge and perspectives between the individuals that spark each other’s creativity and offers alternative ways of viewing a situation.

By working together, each individual can leverage the other’s strengths while simultaneously complimenting each other’s weaknesses. This diverse mixing of talents and experiences leads to more well-rounded outcomes and stylish solutions.

Synergy effortlessly partners with collaboration. When various people unite, they create a synergetic effect where the group is much greater than its parts. This greater sum fosters new insights and innovative outcomes that wouldn’t have occurred without the group coming together. Breakthroughs are born from this effort: a level up in energy. This shared spirit and culture of creativity benefits all its members and supports the coworking community as a whole.

Inspiring Design and Atmosphere

The atmosphere we work in plays a significant role in our creativity and productivity. It also contributes to a business’ brand image. A well-designed space with appealing visuals, soothing sounds, and pleasant scents creates sensory stimulation that can spark new ideas and lead to better work. Both Groundwork locations hold their own unique characteristics, historic features, art culture, music, and incorporation of nature into the environment.

Our location in New Bedford is bright and energetic. This is felt as soon as you enter the building. Upon first entry, your eyes are treated with bright sunlight shining against the local art hanging on our gallery walls. This vibrant energy carries through to our flex area with an open concept design and massive windows. A centralized kitchen acts as a gathering space where coworkers can enjoy their delicious meals while connecting between work sprints.

Groundwork’s Fall River space, originally the Bradford Durfee Textile School, still has many of its original details preserved. Thanks to a historic restoration, an antiquated and studious atmosphere for members has been achieved. The exposed brick, granite walls, unique art, and large collection of plants gives off a “speak easy” vibe that reminds me of time I used to spend in Brooklyn, NY.

Both spaces offer their own unique, creative energy that cater to different work styles. A workspace optimization effect dubbed the “Cathedral Effect” describes how our brain states are altered by different environments. If you are looking to do detailed and analytical work, the focused visual field in Fall River is the way to go. If you desire to think abstract and big picture, the bright and expansive environment in New Bedford will certainly facilitate that.

Opportunity for Solitary Contemplation

Groundwork offers its coworkers many little nooks to work out of. This allows our members to get cozy next to a window, surrounded by nature. There are also opportunities in both coworking locations that support deep thought, solidarity, and contemplation.

Every Monday morning in Fall River our Community Coordinator, Raelyn leads Morning Pages in the flex space. Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. Inspired by the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, this practice is designed to clear mental clutter, stimulate creativity, and cultivate mindfulness.

Every Wednesday in New Bedford, Mid-Week Meditation takes places for 30 minutes. This provides our coworking members a moment to remember how important their breath is. It acts as an invitation to slow down, be intentional, and relieve stress that comes with carrying a heavy work load.

Once a month, Content Writing Drop-In Sessions are hosted in The Shuttle. Participants are provided an opportunity to bring their own work and gather at the table. Together yet separate, they individually work in time blocks. This encourages stretches of deep focus with mini breaks, fostering inspiration and elevation, taking their creativity to the next level. I personally have attended some of these Content Drop-In Sessions and can attest to the productivity that was achieved. So much so that I have incorporated the practices I learned within my own work day when I have focused writing to do, such as this blog.

Growth Opportunities to Expand Yourself

One of the main focuses regarding our community is to support their professional and personal growth. When you grow personally and/or professionally new experiences are exposed. This acts as an expansion within your horizon where visions have clarity and possibilities feel limitless. Groundwork has created many opportunities that encourage this kind of expansiveness and one of them is BizLab. Each month, members commune together and participate in an hour of deep dives into a variety of business topics.

Key Insights for Expansion

Overall, coworking spaces provide a supportive environment that nurtures creativity. This is fostered through collaboration, atmosphere, flexibility, and opportunities.

Continuous learning shows commitment to lifelong evolution. By acquiring new skills and broadening your awareness, you are more likely to take risks. An increase in confidence arises and you begin to think outside of the box. New doors not only open, they are built. Piece by piece, a rich pool of inspiration grows through the powerful relationship between coworking and creativity. We welcome you to take the journey with us as part of our community at Groundwork.