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Returning to Coworking: A COVID Safety FAQ

We’ve got some quiet corners where you can tuck away.

Note: this post has been updated and all information is valid as of March 19, 2021

Sick of working at home but still have doubts about returning to a coworking space?

First things first: we believe that the decision to return to the office is a highly personal one and will depend on your individual living situation and risk factors. We wholeheartedly encourage you to consider your options and proceed with caution during these times.

That being said, for many of you working from home is challenging and the ability to get away and focus a few times during the week is crucial for your sanity and productivity. For that reason, we are opening our doors with a big emphasis on safety and crowd control.

If you’re considering coming back to work, it is likely you have a TON of questions. Here’s our COVID safety FAQ:

How are you managing crowds?

Attendance is limited to 12 people at any given time, as per the State of Massachusetts office space requirements. We are using a daily sign-up sheet to control attendance.

Do I have to wear a mask?

We require masks at all times when moving about the space and common areas. You may remove your mask when you are at your desk.

COVID safety FAQ: wear a mask

Can I still hold meetings?

Yes, you can still hold meetings, although the capacity is limited in each of our conference rooms. Meeting guests are not allowed into the main space, and you must provide us with the contact information of all guests. All conference rooms are sanitized between uses.

Is the kitchen open?

Yes, one person at a time may use the kitchen. We ask that you do not eat in the kitchen; bring food back to your desk. We still provide coffee, cream and packaged snacks. We are sanitizing all kitchen touch points 3x day.

What are you doing to clean and sanitize?

Our staff is sanitizing common touch points 3x day– you can see a cleaning log in the kitchen. We have a weekly cleaning crew sanitize all surfaces. Members use a coaster system to mark when a work area has been occupied and needs to be cleaned.

COVID safety FAQ: coaster system

What happens if someone gets sick?

Members must notify us immediately if they test positive for COVID. We are tracking daily attendance and guests, so all contacts will be notified. We will never reveal the identity of the sick member. Our cleaning company is equipped and ready to perform a deep clean as needed. We also reserve the right to send you home if you are exhibiting any known COVID symptoms.

How are you creating community when we can’t physically gather?

While our space has been reconfigured to optimize physical distance between members, community is still at the heart of our mission. We’ve got an active Slack workspace and monthly Zoom gatherings to keep our members connected to each other.

While we realize that we’ll be living with COVID for the foreseeable future, we also know that for many people working at home day after day is challenging. We are committed to providing a safe work environment so you can get out of the house and get some uninterrupted focus.

Want to see more? You can read our full COVID-19 safety policy here. Book a tour with us here.

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