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Posts by Nicole Cosme

Meet our Founder: Sarah Athanas

“I will always get excited about the connections that are made at Groundwork. It never gets old! I love to see members discover they have something in common or help each other on a project. It is truly fulfilling to feel like I played a small role in making those connections happen.”

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Meet the Artist: Yaz Mehović

“As an artist’s place and role in society continuously evolves, it is important to interact with members from both the artistic and wider community, to learn from them, and to be able to reflect on one’s own ideas and perspectives through interactions and working together.”

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How to convince your employer to pay for coworking

a young woman focused on her work, demonstrating the benefit of coworking

If you want to convince your boss to pay for coworking, you’ll need to demonstrate the benefits that coworking has to offer. In this blog, we’ll explore six reasons you can present to your boss on why coworking is a good investment for them. These benefits include boosting productivity, enhancing work-life balance, fostering collaboration, and more.

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