Call Us: 508-441-4622

Host an Event

We encourage you to host your own events at Groundwork! This is YOUR community. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Full-Time and Dedicated Desk members may host events for free, availability permitting.
  • Part-Time members may host events for free M-F 9-5. Part-time members must pay an additional fee for evening and weekend events.
  • All members will be charged $80 cleaning fee for events with 20+ attendees.
  • Many of you have inquired about hosting a workshop that you charge for. Workshop hosting is limited to Full-Time and Dedicated Desk members. We additionally ask that you offer a discounted rate for all Groundwork! members.

Remember, we all share in the upkeep and maintenance of Groundwork! Keep in mind when running events:

  • You are responsible for event clean-up, including taking out trash and recycling and removal of all food and drink or other items brought into the space. Please do not leave leftover food or paper products at Groundwork!
  • You are not permitted to serve or sell alcohol at any event at Groundwork!
  • Animals are not permitted at any Groundwork! event.
  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • Dedicated Desks at Groundwork! may not be moved and are off-limits.