Call Us: 508-441-4622

Getting Started


Our KITCHEN is for you! We provide you with coffee, tea, hot and cold water, and snacks. You may use the refrigerator and microwave. Please label any food you leave in the fridge if you don’t want it to get thrown out or eaten by a hungry coworker!

Help us keep the kitchen clean. Clean up surfaces after you dirty them. Place your dirty dishes and coffee mugs in the dishwasher when you are done.

We are working to reduce the amount of waste we generate at Groundwork! You will find a trash bin, composting bin, and recycling bin in the kitchen. Please review guidelines for what to compost and recycle and sort your waste accordingly.


Our community is what makes us great. Here are some tips to get involved:

If you want a personal, face-to-face introduction to our community, request a coffee date with a member. We will set you up with a seasoned Groundworker who can answer any additional questions you have.
Attend events! We have lots of them! You can see them in the events tab of WOBBE.
Use discussions (see above). They are a great way to get involved.
Eat lunch in the kitchen. Lots of great conversations happen there.
Challenge someone to ping pong. We have some good (and bad) players in the ranks.