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Coworking FAQ

How coworking can make you a better person

coworking makes you a good person

In an increasingly polarized world, listening to people we don’t agree with is perhaps the most important thing we can do. Respecting people we don’t agree with is crucial. Actually liking people we disagree with? Revolutionary. We get to practice all this, and more, in our coworking community.

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Is coworking suitable for introverts?

coworking for introverts

Can you survive in a coworking space if you’re an introvert?

For those of us who generally keep to ourselves, joining a coworking space can seem counter-intuitive. Why surround yourself with people if you tend to be on the shy, quiet side of the personality spectrum? We recently asked our introverted members why they work at Groundwork!, and there are some common threads in what they say.

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What are the perks of coworking?

Why would you want to come into a big, shared coworking space with no privacy when you could just stay warm at home and jam away on your laptop in your jammies all day? After all, isn’t the freedom to work from home why many of us turn to freelancing and self-employment?

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